Psiphon Pro icon
by Psiphon Inc.
Tested virus-free
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Psiphon Pro establishes a virtual private network connection on mobile devices. Like most VPNs, this solution advertises the ability to access geo blocked content. Other benefits include increased security and privacy from prying eyes, even on public networks. Psiphon Pro utilizes an open source protocol to run its service, which is always good. Based on these factors, an option like this should be a standout for users.

A Review of Psiphon Pro

First and foremost, users should know Psiphon Pro is supported by in-app ads. Not everyone will express joy about this fact. A fee can be paid to unlock the app and remove ads, though. The VPN offers a variety of customization options based on user preference. Therefore, users choose the VPN the service connects to and where that VPN is located. Connection speeds within Psiphon Pro are quite limited compared to other VPNs.

Should You Download and Install Psiphon Pro?

Psiphon Pro tends to meet basic expectations with regard to server options. The VPN itself performs as intended and keeps users safe and private. For the most part, Android users should find this VPN suitable for their needs. Better options are available to mobile users nonetheless. Ads and lackluster connection speeds detract from the overall experience.