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Live Voice Changer allows users to apply effects to their recorded voice. The app applies modifications to the voice recording by default. From there, various pre-recorded effects can be edited into the recording with ease. Various social sharing options are included in the app. Plenty of voice changing apps exist today, and most of them are lackluster. Does Live Voice Changer break the mold and stand above the competition?

A Quick Review of Live Voice Changer

Launching the app presents users with a simple recording screen. Before recording any audio, the voice changing settings can be customized. A user could opt to create a high-pitched voice or something deep and resonant. They then create a recording and save it to their Android device. In the editing suite, users can add a variety of post-capture effects. Most of these effects sound good and work quite well in the app.

Should You Download and Install Live Voice Changer?

Live Voice Changer includes a sharing feature for various social media platforms. High quality recordings are saved and shared seconds. Without a doubt, Live Voice Changer works better than expected compared to the competition. The app offers a novel experience for users and isn't necessarily a must-download. Users could easily grab a few laughs from sharing recordings with friends and family members, though.